CELIORA Lux Essenia - 3. miesto (3/3)
Dnes krásny deň strávený s priateľmi na východe Slovenska. Super miesto, skvelá organizácia, výborná trať ako aj hodnotenie rozhodcov a milé slová od rozhodcu na záver. Dnes mala naša Celly hrozný pád, ktorý jej nezabránil dokončiť beh a našťastie sa jej nič nestalo.
CELIORA Lux Essenia - 3. place (3/3)
Today a nice day spent with friends in the East of Slovakia. Super place, great organization, excellent track as well as judge´s rating and nice words from the judge at the end. Today our Celly had terrible crash that did not stop her running, and fortunately it did not happen.
CELIORA Lux Essenia - 3. place (3/3)
Today a nice day spent with friends in the East of Slovakia. Super place, great organization, excellent track as well as judge´s rating and nice words from the judge at the end. Today our Celly had terrible crash that did not stop her running, and fortunately it did not happen.
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