26. 9. 2021

International Dogshow Nitra

Rozhodca: Kanás Róbert, SK
BACARDI Isidar Mithrim v triede otvorenej výborný 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS!
 Handler: Nina Strišková
BLOODY MARY Isidar Mithrim v triede otvorenej výborná 1, CAC, Res. CACIB

Judge: Kanás Róbert, SK
BACARDI Isidar Mithrim in Open Class excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS!
Handler: Nina Strišková
BLOODY MARY Isidar Mithrim in Open Class excellent 1, CAC, Res. CACIB. 

BACARDI Isidar Mithrim - CAC, CACIB, BOS

BLOODY MARY Isidar Mithrim - CAC, Res. CACIB

25. 9. 2021

International Dogshow Nitra

Rozhodca: Orcsik István, RS
BACARDI Isidar Mithrim v triede otvorenej výborný. Handler: Nina Strišková
BLOODY MARY Isidar Mithrim v triede otvorenej výborná 2, Res. CAC

Judge: Orcsik István, RS
BACARDI Isidar Mithrim in Open Class excellent. Handler: Nina Strišková
BLOODY MARY Isidar Mithrim in Open Class excellent 2, Res. CAC

BACARDI Isidar Mithrim - excellent

BLOODY MARY Isidar Mithrim - excellent 2, Res. CAC

11. 9. 2021

CACIL, CACT coursing Galanta, Beauty and Performance winner 2021

BALERION Isidar Mithrim - 1. place (1/3), CACT

CELIORA Lux Essenia - 2. place (2/3), Res. CACT, BEAUTY AND PERFORMANCE WINNER 2021

FAWAD Al Zahra - 3. place (3/3)

ALEERA Isidar Mithrim - 7. place (7/7)

BALERION Isidar Mithrim - CACT
CELIORA Lux Essenia - Res. CACT, Beauty and performance winner 2021
FAWAD Al Zahra
ALEERA Isidar Mithrim