31. 12. 2021
24. 12. 2021
10. 10. 2021
Central European Coursing Derby - CACIL, CACT, V4 Cup
BLOODY MARY Isidar Mithrim - 3. place (3/6) - Res. CACIL
BALERION Isidar Mithrim - 5. place
FAWAD Al Zahra - 6. place
BACARDI Isidar Mithrim - training
26. 9. 2021
International Dogshow Nitra
Rozhodca: Kanás Róbert, SK
BACARDI Isidar Mithrim v triede otvorenej výborný 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS!
Handler: Nina Strišková
Handler: Nina Strišková
BLOODY MARY Isidar Mithrim v triede otvorenej výborná 1, CAC, Res. CACIB.
Judge: Kanás Róbert, SK
BACARDI Isidar Mithrim in Open Class excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS!
Handler: Nina Strišková
Handler: Nina Strišková
BLOODY MARY Isidar Mithrim in Open Class excellent 1, CAC, Res. CACIB.
BLOODY MARY Isidar Mithrim - CAC, Res. CACIB |
25. 9. 2021
International Dogshow Nitra
Rozhodca: Orcsik István, RS
BACARDI Isidar Mithrim v triede otvorenej výborný. Handler: Nina Strišková
BLOODY MARY Isidar Mithrim v triede otvorenej výborná 2, Res. CAC.
Judge: Orcsik István, RS
BACARDI Isidar Mithrim in Open Class excellent. Handler: Nina Strišková
BLOODY MARY Isidar Mithrim in Open Class excellent 2, Res. CAC.
11. 9. 2021
CACIL, CACT coursing Galanta, Beauty and Performance winner 2021
BALERION Isidar Mithrim - 1. place (1/3), CACT
CELIORA Lux Essenia - 2. place (2/3), Res. CACT, BEAUTY AND PERFORMANCE WINNER 2021
FAWAD Al Zahra - 3. place (3/3)
ALEERA Isidar Mithrim - 7. place (7/7)
BALERION Isidar Mithrim - CACT |
CELIORA Lux Essenia - Res. CACT, Beauty and performance winner 2021 |
FAWAD Al Zahra |
ALEERA Isidar Mithrim |
15. 8. 2021
Sighthound Specialty Show Mojmírovce
Rozhodca: Bart Cheerens, BE
Rozhodca pre BIS: Marion Marpe D
BACARDI Isidar Mithrim v triede otvorenej výborný 1, CAC.
BALERION Isidar Mithrim v triede otvorenej veľmi dobrý 3.
FAWAD Al Zahra v triede čestnej výborný 2.
BLOODY MARY Isidar Mithrim v triede otvorenej výborná 2, Res. CAC.
CELIORA Lux Essenia v triede čestnej výborná 1, CAC aaa BIS pracovnej triedy!!!
Judge: Bart Cheerens, BE
Judge for BIS working Class: MArion Marpe, D
BACARDI Isidar Mithrim in Open Class excellent 1, CAC.
BALERION Isidar Mithrim in Open Class very good 3.
FAWAD Al Zahra in Honour Class excellent 2.
BLOODY MARY Isidar Mithrim in Open Class excellent 2, Res. CAC
CELIORA Lux Essenia in Working Class excellent 1, CAC aaand BIS Working Class!!!
BACARDI Isidar Mithrim - excellent 1, CAC |
14. 8. 2021
Sighthound Club Show Mojmírovce
Rozhodca: Marion Marpe, D
BACARDI Isidar Mithrim v triede otvorenej výborný 1, CAC.
BLOODY MARY Isidar Mithrim v triede otvorenej výborná 2, Res. CAC.
CELIORA Lux Essenia v triede pracovnej výborná 1, CAC.
Judge. Marion Marpe, D
BACARDI Isidar Mithrim in Open Class excellent 1, CAC.
BLOODY MARY Isidar Mithrim in Open Class excellent 2, Res. CAC.
CELIORA Lux Essenia in Working Class excellent 1, CAC.
Judge. Marion Marpe, D
BACARDI Isidar Mithrim in Open Class excellent 1, CAC.
BLOODY MARY Isidar Mithrim in Open Class excellent 2, Res. CAC.
CELIORA Lux Essenia in Working Class excellent 1, CAC.
25. 7. 2021
Grand Prix Bratislava 2021
BALERION Isidar Mithrim - 2. place (2/7), Res. CACIL, Res. CACT.
Congratulations to owners!
FAWAD Al Zahra - 6. place (6/7)
BLOODY MARY Isidar Mithrim fulfilled conditions for coursing license.
19. 6. 2021
22. 1. 2021
Happy Birthday to "A" Avengers litter Isidar Mithrim
Všetko najlepšie, deti! Prajeme im všetko len to najlepšie a ďakujeme majiteľom, že sa o nich dobre starajú. Už majú 5 rokov!
Happy Birthday, children! We wish them all the best and we thank the on´wners for taking good care of them. They are 5 years old now!
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