15. 8. 2021

Sighthound Specialty Show Mojmírovce

Rozhodca: Bart Cheerens, BE
Rozhodca pre BIS: Marion Marpe D
BACARDI Isidar Mithrim v triede otvorenej výborný 1, CAC
BALERION Isidar Mithrim v triede otvorenej veľmi dobrý 3. 
FAWAD Al Zahra v triede čestnej výborný 2. 
BLOODY MARY Isidar Mithrim v triede otvorenej výborná 2, Res. CAC
CELIORA Lux Essenia v triede čestnej výborná 1, CAC aaa BIS pracovnej triedy!!! 

Judge: Bart Cheerens, BE
Judge for BIS working Class: MArion Marpe, D
BACARDI Isidar Mithrim in Open Class excellent 1, CAC.
BALERION Isidar Mithrim in Open Class very good 3.
FAWAD Al Zahra in Honour Class excellent 2.
BLOODY MARY Isidar Mithrim in Open Class excellent 2, Res. CAC
CELIORA Lux Essenia in Working Class excellent 1, CAC aaand BIS Working Class!!!

CELIORA Lux Essenia - BIS Wroking Class

BLOODY MARY Isidar Mithrim - excellent 2, Res. CAC

FAWAD Al Zahra - excellent 2

BALERION Isidar Mithrim - very good

BACARDI Isidar Mithrim - excellent 1, CAC

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